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eSignature for Partners

To be competitive, you need to be fast. Customers want a fast, simple process to sign their documents, meet our eSignature option.

Simple, fast, online

Submit a request in the morning and complete all the necessary signatures on our Hire Agreement by lunchtime. How is this possible? Online with eSignature!

A Valid Digital Signature

We have tailored eSignature exactly to our documentation, the signing process and our partners needs. Accessible remotely and offering the security of the standard 'wet signature', there is no need to print of reems of paper and keep documents on site for 7 years. 

Here is a short film on the capabilities of eSignature and how it can help secure your sales with a few clicks!

How eSignature works

Select the customer request approved by GRENKE in the partner portal and click ‘Sign now’.

Enter the customer’s contact details. You can then request an eSignature.

Once the customer has provided a digital signature, you need to sign the contract again for identification purposes – and that’s it.

Select the customer request approved by GRENKE in the partner portal and click ‘Sign now’.

Enter the customer’s contact details. You can then request an eSignature.

Once the customer has provided a digital signature, you need to sign the contract again for identification purposes – and that’s it.

The Future of Signatures

Does your customer have two decision-makers? Both Directors can sign with the joint signature capability. 

Your customer can sign the Confirmation of Delivery which starts the Lease with GRENKE using eSiganture online too. Enjoy flexibility for your business, team and customer. 

Only Benefits All-round

Both you and your customers benefit from eSignature. 


Simply sign using a PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone.


Possible anywhere with internet access.


The GRENKE contract is signed in just a few clicks.


Simply sign using a PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone.


Possible anywhere with internet access.


The GRENKE contract is signed in just a few clicks.


Speed up your sales

Want to talk to a member of our team today. Our team are by the phones to help speed up and secure your sales with our financial solutions and services.